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Help by Donating

The Caring Community's budget comes directly from Judea's Caring Community Fund. Your gift, in honor or memory of a friend or loved one, will help us to pay it forward. Please consider a donation to the Caring Community Fund so that we can continue providing support and comfort to the members of Judea Reform.

Your gift helps:

  • Purchase baby books to include in our welcome baby baskets.
  • Provide meals during acute illness.
  • Provide a meal of comfort to a bereaved family.
  • Purchase cards and stamps for the Caring Correspondents.

When you arrive at the Make a Tribute Donation form, be sure to select Caring Community from the drop down list at the bottom of the page. 

If your gift is in honor or memory of someone, an acknowledgment card will be sent to that person.

To make a donation, call Judea Reform at (919) 489-7062.

Tue, April 23 2024 15 Nisan 5784